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Online enrolment for Argentijnse Tango (424252)

If you are able to use Online Banking by iDeal, you will be able to enrol directly to Argentijnse Tango (424252). Please ensure you have the necessary words and codes on hand, in order to prevent the enrolment process being discontinued when looking for this data takes too long.

Please note: after having paid for a course, you will immediately be receiving a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address supplied by you. If you have not received this confirmation, please approach the CREA secretarial office via planning@crea.nl (this e-mail address will be displayed again during the last step of the enrolment process).

Categories of CREA courses

The CREA courses are open to everyone. CREA employs different rates and conditions for the following categories:

  • Students
  • Young-alumni UvA/HvA (graduated after 1 September 2019)
  • Old-alumni UvA/HvA (graduated before 1 September 2019)
  • Employees UvA/HvA
  • Others

You can find out to which category you belong here.

Priority regulation

Full-time students (from all educational institutions) and young-alumni (UvA and HvA) have priority when registering for courses. They are permitted to apply to courses earlier than others. For others and old-alumni/employees of the UvA and HvA, registration is possible from the following dates: for block 1 - autumn from 9 September 2024, for block 2 - winter from 16 December 2024 and for block 3 - spring from 17 March 2025. Please check your category here. This priority regulation does not apply to the summer courses.

Course check

  • During the course assembly, students are required to demonstrate that they possess a valid university ID card or proof of enrolment to confirm they are a student.
  • All graduates from the UvA/HvA are required to show a copy of their degree certificate (this may also be a clear scan or picture on a cellphone). The date on the certificate will determine whether they fall within the division of young-alumni or the division of old-alumni.
  • Employees at the UvA/HvA are required to show a valid document which links them professionally to one of these establishments.


  • In case of written cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the course, the student will receive the full participant fee back .
  • In the event of a written cancellation from 2 weeks before the start of the course, CREA is entitled to a reasonable compensation equal to the participant's fee. In that case, no participant fee will be refunded.
  • If there are insufficient registrations for a certain course, CREA may decide to cancel the course. If the course does not take place, the student will be notified as soon as possible. The participant fee will then be refunded.

Course conditions

See here the course conditions, consisting of the basic conditions and corona-conditions, for CREA courses.
By registering for a CREA course, you declare that you are aware of and agree to all these terms and conditions that apply to that course.